I wanted to toggle off-cast shadows of spawned actor that is attached to a socket. Can it be done using Blueprint? I didn’t find any answer.
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I wanted to toggle off-cast shadows of spawned actor that is attached to a socket. Can it be done using Blueprint? I didn’t find any answer.
Thanks for any reply…
Drag from the return value of SpawnActor and then type Cast shadow. It will automatically get Set Cast Shadow property of the mesh inside the spawned actor.
This doesn’t work for me. I have every item as diferent blueprint (I didn’t mention that) so I would must Cast to every of my 150+ items. I will probalby change inventory system little bit. Thanks for answer.
It should work regardless of how many items you have, since you are setting the property for every spawned item. But yeah, i’m not 100% sure since i dont know how exactly you set the inventory system.