Disable button navigation and click from gamepad


This is a very simple and straight task that I am trying to achieve however I am not sure how to proceed.
All I want to do is disable button navigation and gamepad face button bottom when using a button widget.

I can disable button navigation by adding a STOP in the navigation of a button. This way I can drive the navigation from Listen for Input Action in the widget.

However, I am not sure how to disable button click through the gamepad face button bottom. I have tried a few ways such as override on key down or preview key down functions but it still triggers whatever I do.

I should also mention that I want to keep the isFocusable enabled on a button.

Is there any way to stop face button bottom in a gamepad from triggering clicks in a button?

Thank you for you help.

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i have found this function “UCommonInputSubsystem::SetIsGamepadSimulatedClick()” ,but it seens not useful .the nativeonclicked() still trigger when press gamepad facebuttonbottom

How I did it:
I created my own button, lol.