Disable blueprint nodes

In C++ code, you can ‘disable’ sections of code by commenting them out. This lets you maintain the code logic without having to rewrite it again.

In blueprints, it would be nice if you could select multiple blueprints, right click on them, and toggle “disable” (if enabled) and “enable” (if disabled). The blueprint execution flow would skip any disabled nodes. If a disabled node is used, it should generate compile errors.

example use case: I have a bunch of ‘print string’ nodes which output debug info. I only want to see this if I want to debug something, so rather than connecting and disconnection execution pins, I’d rather just enable/disable their active state.

ive been looking for this feature from the day 1

I do such things by unplugging the Exec wires from theses sections of code.

Normally I use a sequence to keep them separate and easy to put in and out of action.

But I like your idea…like commenting out sections of BP, while keeping all the wires and stuff in place… +1 for that feature

Hi everyone,

Thank you for the request. This has already been requested and is reported in our system as UE-12270.