With 4.7.x version UE4 is generating AndroidManifest.xml file instead of copying it from Game/Build/Android directory.
This is cool option for people who don’t have to dig around this file but I’m currently using stuff that requires some new, rather big chunks of xml (Google Cloud Messaging, FacebookSDK, Connectivity Change Intent etc.).
Adding them the new way is very uncomfortable, for some situations even impossible.
I found a workaround, simply comment one line in UEDeployAndsoid.cs
// in case the game had an AndroidManifest.xml file, we overwrite it now with the generated one
//File.WriteAllText(ManifestFile, NewManifest);
but it would be nice it there would be an option to disable the AndroidManifest.xml generation and simply use the one from Game/Build/Android.
Or maybe there is such an option, but I can’t find it?