Hi, I notice when disable input during animation montage, and enable input when montage finished, the player is stick in last held input, they’ll be stuck in sprint, or aim, or something, even though sprint isn’t
being held anymore, it wont reset back to normal, I have to press sprint again for player to go back to normal movement. Or to stop aiming.
Hi Online Learner,
I have an idea for what the potential problem might be. If sprinting/aimdownsights is controlled with a boolean: You are pressing the Shift/RMB and the input event has fired. But since the input is disabled during the anim montage, the event never gets fired and the boolean is still TRUE.
There may be some elegant solution with ‘Is Left Shift Down’ or ‘Is Mouse Button Down’ nodes if continuing sprinting/ADS when coming out of an anim montage is a thing, but I think you should try setting Sprint/ADS to FALSE at the same time as re-enabling input.
Welcome to the forums, Hope that helps.