Disable All print nodes globally!?

Hi All,

is there a way to globally disable all print nodes from doing their thing?
I have quite a lot of debug print’s scattered all over but I now want to make a build that does not have them spewing out a lot of messages on screen.

Is there a way to do this globally to avoid having to trawl through all blueprints in the game?


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Do they even work in packaged version? I don’t think so. At least they never did in my projects.

If you chose the shipping option then it will disable them. If you chose development, call the console command “disableallscreenmessages”.


Thanks both of you for the tips!
I just tried building for shipping and indeed that worked.
Thanks for the command tip as well I’ll try that out too.


Use visual debugger, or make your own print node (function or macro) and add global debug switch.

It’s manual which is not ideal but I’ve been packaging this way for some time now. No issues. UE5.1 approved.


Thanks for reviving this thread, works great in 5.4!