Directlink from vectorworks / lighting fixture

Hello this is very nice that lights are imported from vectorworks via directlink

But why are they loosing their name.

and too bad that the light emmiter is detached from the asset same for the lens ...

It take time to rename it all and edit it ...

I have to edit each light and each lens (not exactly each but each with different setup ...)

For on lighting fixture imported I have 18 folders

It will be nice that, at least, the light object to be inside one of that folder.

may ther is other way to import, i'll test and tell you ...

Hi Benjamin and thank you for posting,

I would love to see your Vectorworks scene and see how it's organized to be able to test and report to the dev team if needed.

Can you please use the "contact us" button to log a bug with your Vectorworks file please?

Thank you


Thank you :)

I ll do it. :)

Is there any updates on this?

I mainly use Twinmotion for visualisation of corporate events, where we often have many lights, imported from Vectorworks. They still looses their name.

Last project I did, I had over 360pcs movingheads. ended up export only sections at the time, to have any possibility to identify each light..