Direction orientation gone haywire after rotating Camera 45 degree Yaw

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the potential trouble! I am very new to Unreal. I am attempting to set up a simple city-building project with an Isometric view. Following is my camera blueprint with mouse drag mechanism:

Because the map is Isometric, I rotate the Camera at 45 degree Z (Yaw).

Before the rotation, my screen movement with mouse-drag works perfectly fine with up/down Vertical and left/right Horizontal orientations.

However, after the rotation, the movement still follows the old default Vertical and Horizontal axes when I ‘mouse-drag’ my camera. The camera movement now has a 45 degree offset. Say, if I want to move my screen Up, I need to drag my mouse from ‘upper-right’ to ‘lower-right’ corner.

I tried various proposed methods on other forum posts but still can’t get the this resolved. Can someone please help?

What version of UE are you using? ← If UE5: Why not use the Enhanced Input?

Asking because you should do this with the inputs, not tick.

Yes, absolutely! Thank you! I’ve replaced tick with Enhanced Inputs as follow:

Unfortunately, I’m still stuck with the 45 degree offset in regard to the movement direction. I’ve tried experimenting with different Input Action settings of Value Type (Axis1D, 2D
) or of the Modifiers but alas. Can you help with a solution for this?

Try this:


With a movement component:

Make sure to enable Use Controller Rotation Yaw.


Works like a charm. Thank you so much Pezzott1!! Your guide really helped me resolve this headache. Very much appreciated!

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