We have come across a bug with the editor regarding setting direct references to child actor components. A direct reference to a child actor component will nullify after the first run of game mode after loading such a level setup from file.
Steps to reproduce generically:
- Create an Actor-based blueprint, Test
- Edit it and add a public Actor Reference variable, naming it “ActorReference”
- Save, compile and close blueprint Test
- Create a second Actor-based blueprint, TestComplex
- Edit and add a Child Actor Component
- Set the component’s Child Actor Class to the new “Test” blueprint
- Select and move the component upward in the blueprint viewport so that it is noticeably different from its root scene component
- Save, compile and close blueprint TestComplex
- Drag drop an instance of TestComplex into the scene
- Drag drop an instance of Test into the scene
- With the new Test actor instance selected, set “ActorReference” by using the “Pick Actor from scene” eyedropper button
- With the eyedropper, select the child actor component billboard of the TestComplex instance
- Notice that “ActorReference” should not be null at this point
- Save the level to file
- Load the new level file to force a refresh with values loaded from file
- Select the Test actor instance
- Verify “ActorReference” is not null
- Press the Play button for game mode
- Stop game mode
- Select the Test actor instance to notice “ActorReference” is now null/“None”
I have confirmed this bug in version 4.9 through to 4.11 Preview 5. This bug impacts an asset pack we have on the Marketplace. Please fix this soon.
Thank you in advance.