Dino speed and damage stats

Hiu guys!

I’m kinda new here, so my questions can be easy to you guys, so I appreciate your answers:
I’ve already found the base hp, stamina, oxygen, regen rates and so for each dino in the DinoCharacterStatusComponent_BP_“dino”, but 3 things I can’t find:

  1. Wild dino base speed (found only a multiplier in that file).

  2. Wild dino base damage (found only a multiplier in that file).

  3. Attack speed (since ridden dinos can attack faster than wild ones, I’d like to reduce this difference).

Thanks guys !!

No one knows??

They’re typically found in the _BP file of dinos. I see this is your second topic on this. Have patience, it can take time for replies.
Attack speed might be a mixture of it’s AI and _BP file.

Alright! I got base damage and base speed for the dinos, I haven’t found Attack speed yet…

And, anyone knows a way I can speed a dino up like 50% but the “sprinting” animation speeding up less than that, like 25% or something ?

were did you find the base speed and damage?

I’d be interested to know where the base stats are located too I can’t seem to find them all



You need to look up “DinoCharacterStatus_”
go first to the Characert_BP for the dino you are working with, and right click > reference viewer. It will show on the right the DInOCharacterStatus file you want. Right flick that > view in file browser.

This will show you all the stats for the dino. Max base stats are the maximum base values it will generate with. The “max per level” values are what will be multiplied against to add to that value per level. make sure that you keep changes to these values VERY MINOR!

For example, if I change the speed multiplier for sabers to anything over 0.2 they are glitchy fast. Speed needs to really be managed in 0.025 sort of values.

If you want to see examples of vanilla stat comparisons and what each value does, you can have a look at my spreadsheet; I run custom stats for all the creatures in my Rainbow ZOo mod.

Thank I found them but it doesn’t looks like there’s a way in the graph to get hold of it as it’s not exposed as an array.

Hopefully it will be soon!