Digital Elements - Requests - ESM TEAM - New Release!


We are ESM Team and we are SUPER pumped to be on Unreal! There are some extremely talented developers on here!

We are proud to have our fourth library just released Digital Elements in the Unreal Market Place. We put the Digital Elements SFX library together – to meet the needs of game developers and freelance sound designers at any level and deliver an unbeatable curated assortment and value. This hand curated volume will allow you to demonstrate digitally oriented, intense, and intricate visuals with ease. Filled with 21st century sounds that are perfect for any futuristic, advanced technology, mystery or sci-fi audio production, and the sounds in the Digital Elements collection correspond and mix extremely well with the Epic Sounds and FX Advanced UI collection too.
Take a Listen Below to the Demo!

Digital Elements Demo

We’re a new provider to the Unreal developer community and are still learning more about what the community needs. In regards to Digital Elements and future updates we wanted this forum to be central location to tell us what you have to say! We want to read your constructive criticism. Please know that it will be well received. Talk to us, Let us know what you like, don’t like, or you would love to see!

We’re committed to providing high value and excellent quality audio asset collections that will energize in game experiences. We want your games to sound fantastic when we play them!

Visit Our Site To see what other sound assets are headed your way soon!

Thanks For Your Support,

Andrew & ESM Team