■■■■, after adding child to wrap box just set VerticalAlignment to something else then fill
I’ve updated project from 4.22 to 4.25, wrap box widget started to stretch children to highest element in a row. Before update each item could have different height. Tried wrapping children widgets with size box instead of panel but didn’t help. So how do I fix it?
When adding to the Wrap Box (or any other panel), you’re free to explicitly define slot alignment:
You could still use use a Size Box here to override the desired size of the child. Size and alignment are 2 different things that often go hand in hand.
Depending on the child’s internal hierarchy, it might be the image size here that handles the dimension, but the wrap box’s fill alignement slot will stretch it unless the child’s size box requests an override.
In your case, this probably can be fixed by setting alignment alone; if that’s not enough, wrap the child with a size box and override HW to request desired size in the slot.