Different shortcuts for content browser and content drawer please

Different shortcuts for content browser and content drawer please

In 5.0 the shotcuts to invoke the content browser invoke the content drawer.
and the content of the drawer is sometimes small or if it is the main one it comes out below the other windows.
At least we can put a shortcut for the floating content browser
Thank you


Another problem introduced by the “fancy drawer” is that it loses the current selection when clicking “Dock In Layout” (which seems to be the only way to make it float, outside of reaching into the top menus).

It boggles my mind to imagine that no one at Epic is using the content browser as a floating window …

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Hi! Once you’ve placed the Content Browser how you’d like to use it, the layout should persist for you between sessions.

We don’t have shortcuts for most of the standard level editor panels, could you give us more information about the workflows where you want to frequently summon the content browser with a keyboard shortcut?

Hello @Shadow.Storm
Unfortunately it doesn’t at all, even within a session.
To repro :

  • Make it slide up using the newly introduced ctrl-spacebar shortcut
  • Undock it by clicking “Dock in Layout” and make it floating (that is to say, not snapped to anything)
  • Close it
  • Call it up again using the shortcut : it will slide up again instead of being floaty, probably because the undocked/floating one and the slide-up one are different UI entities altogether, and the shortcut only calls the slide-up one. The only way I’ve managed to consistently summon it as always floating is through the top menu (where there is a choice of 4 of them), but reaching up for that menu is not a viable option in a busy work session.

Also, if an asset selection is made in “slide-up” mode, it gets lost when undocking to make it floaty. This is a tremendous waste of time when assigning materials to model assets, and many other aspects of the editor really.

In short : some users like the OP and myself just want to have the option to never, ever have to deal with the new “slide up” browser - and that would be solved by having a hotkey dedicated to the legacy one, or at least an easy to reach button in the UI just like in 4.2x.

There is also some odd limitation to the new “slide up” one, like the inability to undock just by dragging it out as one naturally would want to. But this is of course very minor compared to the regression of the floating state being made unusable.

I like the content Drawer, but sometimes you want to be able to navigate in a big way through the content browser, without having to do the Dock in layout. Since I tend to close the content browser when I’m not using it. (I guess that was the good thing about Content Drawers).
So I think a shortcut that opens the content browsers always in the All folder would be a great help to search for anything by name in the project quickly.

In this example, the content drawer, apart from being small, opens in the folder where the asset is, so the search does not return anything.

If we could open easy the content browser and it would always appear in All folder, the search would be immediate.

btw, i hope the lock icon is back, it’s a bit hidden now. Yes, I know that I must be the only person who uses it :joy:

Search “All” folders hotkey please!

Multiple times in daily workflow, I use the CTRL-SPACEBAR to slide open the Content Drawer, but I’m stuck in the specific folder I was in earlier, but now I want to search all folders and have to drag up the slider and click on the ALL folder. It would be very nice to hit CTRL-SPACEBAR then CTRL-SHIFT-A or something to jump to top folder so when I search it just immediately gives me rapid access for exactly what I know I’m looking for.


btw, I thought I saw a hotkey in a video that brings up an asset search, but now I can’t find it and I don’t know if I’ve dreamed it.

@DomusLudus I think the hotkey youre looking for is Ctrl+P.

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yes, it’s true, it wasn’t a dream, thank you!!! :star_struck: