As i described in the Forum i got a problem with a crane that doesn’t swing when using “Player Start”.
But it works when i place the pawn in the world.
Now when i use the Viewport Preview or the Packaged version (Windows and Android) it works all well. (The Cone swings when the crane is moved)
BUT when i use Standalone Preview or Mobile Preview the Cone doesn’t swing. I did no changes on the project.
I still stuck with this problem. When i use the “Play in selected Viewport” Button it works fine. But as soon as i use the “Standalone” or “Mobile Preview” Button i got very strange results.
I built this simple crane-test out of the Rolling Ball Example.
To me it looks like there is something not right compiled. (Like it is using some old cache or something)
I got this problem with different Projects.
I deleted all the Folders except “Config” and “Content” and made a ZIP-File out of it (only ~9 MB)
You can try it yourself. On this ZIPped Project i still have the Problem.
Just to make sure I understand, you’re seeing the wrong results when you Play in Editor in any mode, but you’re seeing the right results in your packaged version, is this correct?
Now i added a new starter Level where i show a simple menu with a “Play Level 1” Button.
On Click it loads the first Game Level.
When i play this it gives me the wrong result in selected Viewport, New Editor Window, Standalone Game, Mobile Preview.
But the right results when Launch on PC or Launch on Android and in the packaged versions.
This is very strange to me, and it is impossible to develop a game this way.
I still looking for a solution to this. Is this a Bug? Or should i reinstall UE?
Further, if/when you upgraded from 4.6 to 4.7 there is a known issue that can cause the loss of functionality for some blueprints (UE-11456). Here is the AnswerHub thread where that issue is discussed, please have a look at it and see if your issue is similar.
Ultimately, though, be advised that PIE/Standalone/Mobile Preview/Launch on is for quickly iterating your level. As described by staff in this other thread, it’s not designed for the purpose of playing the game, so if you’re seeing the correct results when you package, and the package being the ultimate result for your project anyway, you’re getting the desired results and your game will be fine.
Hello wittlief. Thanks for your Answer.
No, i have very simple physics. It is one blueprint with only a box with 2 constraints and a cone underneath. With the left and right arrows i can move the box.
Supstepping makes no difference in the mobile preview.
The project was made in UE 4.7.6.
Sure the PIE is not for the purpose of playing the game. But in my opinion the simulation should be accurate.
Now i figured this out:
I have two Methodes Methode 1:
I place the Pawn directly into the scene and set “Auto Posess Player → Player 0” Methode 2:
I place a “Player Start” into the scene, and set my Pawn as “Default Pawn Class” in the World Settings.
With Methode 1 it works fine in PIE.
But with Methode 2 the physics of the Pawn gone crazy. It looks like the pawn is colliding with something. The physics gone the same crazy like when i place the Pawn with Methode 1 inside a colliding object.
With the Methode 1 in Mobile-Preview and Standalone-Game the pysics gone again crazy.
Is there a way to debut the pysics in the Standalone-Game or Mobile-Preview?
Further, there have been some improvements to the world location blueprints nodes in the 4.8 release, so you might attempt making a copy (do not convert in place) of your project and opening it in the 4.8 preview 2 update and see if you see any improvements.