Different maps

Hello guys,

I’m starting with a fight game creation. It has different arenas to fight, and each arena has different scenarios and different skyies. If you are in a mountain, it will have a large scenario for you to look down.

Wich way is the best to create those arenas, maps, since I want to build a whole scenario around and when in one arena, you can’t see another scenario/sky?

Thanks very much!

Just create a new map and build the level in there - then create another map and build the 2nd level,… :slight_smile:
After that just use an “Open world/map” node to load your maps

Hello there !

Thanks for the answer. Also, can I make a menu loading each map by doing like this? - each map has different level configurations/objectives

Yep, just add a different menu in each map/level bp :slight_smile: