Different colours on same material using Landscape Painter


I’m having issues with my landscape material. The materials gets a different tint in the squares where I recently used the paint tool. I’ve tried restarting, and can’t find a solution.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Also when I’m working on the project chunks of landscape deforms into square craters, but returns to normal when terraforming them.
In one of these chunks the foliage has disappeared completely twice, then I save and restart UE 5.1, therefor forcing me to remake it.

A solution for this will also be highly appreciated.


This definitely is a strange bug. Have you tried looking at the materials during runtime? My first thought is that this could be an editor glitch that happens because of the Landscape Painter.
Other than that, I found a thread that talks about a weird texturing glitch as well here.
Let me know if that fixes it!

the same problem

All the TextureSample nodes is already set to “Shared: Wrap”, so this unfortunately didn’t solve the problem.

The landscape is still glitched in playmode unfortunately.
I think it might be a error in my landscapematerial, but don’t know where to fix it.

Also the foliage disappeared in some chunks again…

Try migrate level to new project.