Different behavior as opposed to previous version?

Are these bugs?

  1. In 4.12.5 packaged games start in ‘fullscreen’ mode, but from 4.13 to 4.14 start in ‘windowed’ mode, don’t know which mode is normal(right) mode?

  2. BTW, how to control packaged games start in ‘windowed’ mode or ‘fullscreen’ mode?(the console command r.SetRes only works after the game started…)

  3. In 4.14 after checked “Show Mouse Cursor” to true, the mouse cursor will be lock to the game viewport, also input axis ‘Mouse X’ and ‘Mouse Y’ value are not zero when move mouse. But In previous version, the mouse cursor was unlocked and ‘Mouse X’ and ‘Mouse Y’ value are not zero only mouse button is pressed when move mouse.


You should be able to set the fullscreen, or the screen resolution by following information in [this AnswerHub][1]. If you’re not looking to set this up with blueprints, try [this AnswerHub][2].

I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here [UE-38704][3]. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.

Since a bug was entered on this AnswerHub, could you please submit your mouse issue on a new AnswerHub post so we can keep the issues separated? Please include steps, or screenshots on how you’re exactly testing so that we can make sure we’re testing exactly as you are.


How can i change game's resolution in blueprints - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: Setting game resolution for packaged games - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
[3]: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38704)

I received information back from the developers that this change was intentional, so the bug has been closed out.

Thank you!

Ok, thanks.
If add a button to control the packaged game start window/fullscreen mode like “Allow Minimize, Allow Window Resize, etc” in Project Settings is great.

Yeah, you could add a button in the settings or something, if you’d like a full screen option.