Im trying to get my AI/NPC character to have wounded animations. When shot in the leg for example, he should play a injured_walking animation instead of his usual walking animation. So far in the animation blueprint i’ve set up the states in the “locomotion” folder and it seems like its working in there at least. I have normal walk and injured walk and if I click on “activate injured” in the detail browser the injured state is visible in the preview window etc.
But in the game, when I shoot the character in the leg, it doesnt work so I must be doing something wrong in the blueprints.
Here is my Weapon blueprint. This is the end of a linetrace that has confirmed that it hit the left thigh bone. After its confirmed and the damage percentage is dealt, i put the “cast to NPC” there and activated the “injured” bool. The “injured” bool is what I used in the animation locomotive.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?