On the BluePrint Endless Runner tutorial, SpawnActor from Class is used to create new tiles and Add Child Actor Component is used to create the pickable item based on the Item Class. I am trying to do something similiar but i need to get the arrow transformation to attach the next item so rather than using Add Child I tried using SpawnActor but it do not work. I can not use Add child because i can not link de return value to get the arrow transform.
Think of it like this : An actor is a big folder, an actor component is something you place inside the folder.
You are trying to get the folders transform from the object inside.
If you want the transform of the component, you need to GetActorComponent not GetActor.
I don’t think you can get the transform of a component(I’m not sure, so check it.) but if not, you could get the location, use a ToTransform node and plug it in that way. If you really need a rot, use a CreateTransform node and work it out using the actor’s rotation.
thanks for your answer. The point is that inside my class, now component, I have an arrow and a function to get their transform but I think as it is a world transform and now the instance is a child I have to use another method
Try using the RelativeTransform or RelativeLocation
If you use the RelativeLocation do what I said before
"use a ToTransform node and plug it in that way. If you really need a rot, use a CreateTransform node and work it out using the actor’s rotation. "