
I set up a very simple scene to see what each of these nodes exactly does: AddLocalOffset, AddWorldOffset, SetRelativeLocation, SetWorldLocation, AddRelativeLocation.
And it seemed to me that AddLocalOffset and AddRelativeLocation had the same effects.
Is it right or do I miss something here?

When I read ue4 doc about this, it says:

  • AddLocalOffset adds a delta to the location of the component.
  • AddRelativeLocation adds a delta to the translation of the component.
    Is there a very subtle difference that changes everything?

Thanks to source code access if you sign up with github you can directly compare the two. Without looking my guess is one uses framerate the other frametime or something else where there is nothing noticeable in most cases.

You’re right. Didn’t think about it. Thanks.

Well, in UE4 terms, “Local” refers to the component’s space, and “Relative” to the space of its parent.

This is most noticeable when setting the location of bones in an animgraph, since two bones can be oriented the same relative to a parent but have their own unique rotation.

But for 99.9997% of components (I’d say 100% but I’m not totally sure), local space is always X-forward, Y-right, Z-up, so there is no difference between a component’s local and relative space. I suppose there could be an edge case where this isn’t the case, but my guess is that the nodes are redundant but can’t be removed for fear of losing backward compatibility

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Ok, I get it. Thank you.