I’ve noticed some tutorials will either use a Player Pawn or a Player controller, I’m just wondering what’s the difference, how and when I would use them.
An Example, Most AI tutorials have the user duplicate the Player Character Pawn class and turn it into the AI, and then others (Mainly more experienced users would make controllers instead (I think)).
Then yesterday I started to use the Built in Damage System and there is an input that will only accept Controllers and not Pawns. https://i.gyazo.com/cf632701aa68039f22529f9eb3bb0a53.png
But at the same time the default Player Characters in the Default Project Templates use Pawns and Not controllers, which makes me wonder, is Epic also trying to set me up to fail?
Online documentation on the subject makes me even more confused
Take into account that my game is attempting to have Online Multiplayer capabilities as well, so does this also affect the choice.
I just want to know the proper ways of doing things, sick of being taught one thing, then realising there’s a correct way of doing things and having to go over my project correcting everything, I learn not much and it confuses me even more.
p.s Sorry if the above is hard to read, English is a second language and I’ve been trying to get in the habit to speak proper English And I’m now very confused because I’ve had to learn 100 systems in a week.