That’s Excellent News! The progress vids/pics stopped, so I assumed progress stopped. Die To Survive Progress vid/pics were highly motivational to me, for me. I strangely became dependent on them, constantly visiting these forums to see them. Fueling my deep down desire to develop a Rail Shooter.
My fault.
I live by what I preach so I reckoned I should show some videos of my progress, lol.
Hit a snag designing the Record/Playback Camera Rails feature, sortof . . .
The idea is simple record camera movement at runtime. Playback it back at runtime on-demand.
There are a few methods I recognized to Record, in which ‘recording’ is essentially storing Transform values|deltas in an Array. Playback is reading the elements in the array and setting the Transforms. Due to the design of V8SuperCam I can store:
- Camera ‘Mount’ Transform
- Camera ‘Focus’ (target) Transform
- Character (Body) Transform in relation to the Camera.
- Viewtarget Actor Transition Sequence
The design allows for a variety of Playback methods using the same data. The camera and body data can be played back together or independently in a synchronous or asynchronous manner. This is ideal for typical Rail Shooter Mechanics and hybrids.
Typical RailShooter Mechanic
Player would only have control of arms/weapon/reticle while direct control over the camera and body movement are inhibited.
After testing towards a Typical RailShooter Mechanic, I elected to use a Full ThirdPerson Body (vs no Body) so I can switch between Reticle Only, First Person, and Thirdperson Perspectives if desired. (I will never make a single perspective 3D game again.)
To achieve this, i have to split control of body and camera between two (2) Controllers and two (2) Pawns/Characters. One Player Controller. One AI Controller.
The Player controls the Character Arms/Weapon/Reticle, the AI Controls Body and Camera.
OR Invert the controls in which
The AI Controls the Pawn Body Movement and Weapon, The Player Controls the Camera.
OR Mix the controls in which
The Player Controls Pawn Body, The AI Controls the Weapons and Camera.
Procedural Camera Rails.
During Testing, I had to set up a AI Controlled Pawn (Bot). I manually oriented waypoints in the level and assigned to the AI Controlled Character to navigate. The ‘Where do I go’ Logic randomly assigned waypoints so the Bot can move from one waypoint to another using a simple MoveTo() supporting NavMesh Pathfinding.
The movement between waypoints is not very exciting with a basic grounded character (Test #2 flying character) so I decided to 1. grab all the actors in the environment; 2. select one random; 3. Use MoveTo() to navigate to it. This simple idea is evolving into a on-demand real-time procedurally generated route system for Rails.
I say all of the above to say this: Now a Rail Shooter with Procedurally Generated Rails and Transitions is in reach. Proc Rails will be able to support Roguelike Proc Generated Levels and on-the-fly scenarios in which each experience could be psuedo unique (as I would use Stream Seeds). I didnt consider this before. This may be the means to rebrand Rail Shooters and bring the Gamers back.
I’m electing to incorporate as a GameMode I call RailShooter-NG (NG = Next Gen).
My Progress Videos
Exclusive: SuperManny - YouTube