Time certainly flies with UE, it’s not uncommon for me to look at the clock and see that it is 1 AM, and look back in what seems like a few minutes and see that it is now 3:30 AM
Hello. I have a GTX 760 custom made. I have to say i played most of the hardware demanding games available yet none of them has been murdering my gpu so much. It goes from 30 to 70 degrees in seconds. I put most of the settings to medium or low and disabled most of the useless stuff and still… after like 30 minutes of playing game crashes, well, video drivers crash I’m looking for a solution, thanks
Actually, I have experienced this (years ago, I install & play Mortal Kombat 9 and it push my old graphic card to the edge and just kill it, then I replace the graphic card and tried DeadPool, also it give me the weird crack screen effect), so from there on, I consider Unreal Engine unsafe and I’m really reluctant to install and play games that developed with Unreal Engine.
Nvidia and Intel are both pretty good about protecting your hardware from overheating. In the event that either GPU or CPU overheats, your computer will shut down, which is probably what happened. Maybe in this case, the Thermal Grease on your GPU burned out over excessive use and time. Just an observation, who know what happened.