I kind of like the skin shading.
The only way I know to launch a game in dx11 mode is to make a desktop shortcut of the UDK exe and add to its properties -dx11.Not ideal.
In frontend under Launch Options i can also add -dx11 but that will only act to play the game from frontend and not the final cooked packaged game.
Is there a special place in the inis to make the game stay in dx11? UnSetup.Manifest code?
If no,(which sucks) when a game is uploaded to steamworks and steam creates a desktop shortcut(haven’t gotten there) is it possible to tell steam to add to the desktop shortcut -dx11 when it creates it so that the customer doesn’t have to do it?
Going to bump just in case.Looking at the archived forum, people talk about changing in UDKEngine> [SystemSettings] AllowD3D11=true or bAllowD3D11=true but with no result.I also added that in DefaultSystemSettings and I noticed that in my udk 2013, this option is not even there so I added it but with no effect.
Did Epic really made dx11 only available just by making a desktop shortcut of the UDK.exe and adding to it -dx11 manually!?
So a external exe start button that opens the UDK.exe with no desktop shortcuts or anything like that.
Seems to work as the window says that the udk game is in dx11 mode.
Should this be the only way to do it?
I was left with the impression that if you make a shortcut on one pc, it might not work well on to another, but since its going to be in the same folder it should work i guess?
For the 64bit version there are a few ways.
1.The easiest is to
-install your game first
-go to the udk installation folder >binaries>win64 and copy this folder
-go to your game installed folder and in>binaries> paste the win64 folder and inside that fodler you will have the 64 bit icon to start the game in 64 bit.
2.A custom installer like Inno setup
3.Or something new is:
A way to cook and package with front end in x64
Go to the udk installed directory>
go to line 106 which is <string>Binaries/Win64</string> and change that 64 to 32 and save and recompile the scripts.Now when packaging and after that installing the game we will have the Win64 folder instead of the win32 and everything works perfect.
Also, after installing the game there is a window that will ask to start the game for the first time.If clicked ‘‘ok’’ it will not start the game and the user will have to go to find the exe.In order for this not to happen, before packaging we have to go to the same UnSetup.Manifests.xml and go to line 5 which is <AppToLaunch>Win32\UDK.exe</AppToLaunch> and change the 32 to 64.
That way it will auto launch the game the first time installed.
If you take a close look at the title of the thread you will see that I was talking about cooking in DX11 mode and not about 64bit coking mode.
About the 64 bit trick that i mentioned , It does work and I have done it probably 80-90 times in my tests.Just try it out if you have doubts and you will see that it works.
No problem.
I haven’t uploaded to steam to try the launch params as Coldscooter said, but im sure it will work.The thing that i tried on my pc was from post 2 here.Make a wrapper .exe using visual studio from the youtube tutorial.It was just a external exe and nothing more.(and yes it worked)
Looks like it will be just better to say to steam to launch the udk exe with -dx11 command for a final build when the time comes.
“I haven’t uploaded to steam to try the launch params as Coldscooter said”
ok,let´s say solution 2,it depends on steam? to make it working in dx11??
than i like rather solution 1.so you are sure it´s truly working in dx11?
“Make a wrapper .exe using visual studio from the youtube tutorial.It was just a external exe and nothing more.(and yes it worked)”
i haven´t dived into it,yet.
the tutorial in the video looks,scary,maybe you can explain it in some sorter version…also the frontend 1.6.5 i don´t get it,with this manifest and stuff…
i haven´t tried both of them yet.either the 64bit cooking nor the dx 11 stuff.i too,hope it´s working as you said because
Or maybe you are just not too patient to wait for a reply? Since its a small community, if you get one, it can take a few days.Its the end of the week and I or others probably are doing other things of importance too.Seeing me respond to another thread today doesn’t mean Im ''punishing ‘’ you.Means it was more easy for me to help there as it was something simple for me to grab and go.
But either way, this cheeky attitude wont get you help.Please be patient and use more respectful or at least patient approach when needing something.
About the 64bit trick, i showed it to you since some time.Instead of wondering if it works or not, just try it and done.
About the youtube video.I am not a coder and have 0 experience in visual studio,but just pausing the video and doing everything he does,step by step, I created a simple wrapper exe that launched the game in dx11.I really cant make this more simple as its on a video already.If it makes any difference, i believe i watched it and followed it only to min 5 in order to make the start launch button which was what i wanted to try.>launch the game in dx11 from a external exe.
About the manifest, it is just a epic games manifest.I was scratching my head too and it seems that versions of udk 2012? and up have some unneeded security measures or something that makes the windows firewall jump in.Cant remember but here is my thread about the manifest and the information I was able to get with the help from others.
I was wondering if I should leave this as is, but something from within me told me to try once more to help you (despite your beyond unprofessional language). Because i kind of had a few ways of thinking like you in the past, which I believe i managed to fix.
Some of the things I say, may sound harsh, but if you let it in, is going to do you good and understand where you are wrong when trying to communicate with people.
Seriously,the most games here simply looks poor.I know you can´t bare the truth.but now it´s out.
it looks they were made with :confused: Unreal Engine 2 instead 3.kind of insulting for UDK+the PS3 Hardware.
Although, i don’t share the same thinking, you are free to your opinion.Still this sounds more like a frustrated attack than a constructive critic that you need to make in the threads of those games.Everyone has its own visual style and limits to development.Coders tend to make more fun games than visual and artists make more visually pleasing games but with less game play elements>your typical walking simulator if you will.
Take it with a grain of salt but…
Still, ive seen your portfolio.In my opinion they are random,probably kind of artistic representation of a moment,most of the times zoomed.Some light study here and there but that is.Importing photogrammetry free meshes and spheres with crisp textures doesn’t mean a game.In fact, you dont seem to have anything near a simple game mechanic but render stills.With that, I don’t think you have the knowledge to judge to such a level what others have showed here.Instead of jumping on like that, you can find the things you like from those games(if any) and patiently and individually ask each user on how he did the task.If the question is too complex, dont expect to have all the info and take what you can and merge that knowledge with other things.
Probably the only thing I could agree on with you.Why that didnt happened? Reasons are many and some, most probably stupid.
1.Some of us, didnt had the connection we have now.(friendly chats, getting to know the person, etc…)
2.Many indies commit the mistake to want all the profit for them selves.(although i doubt that for the people here as they are really cool and humble in my opinion people>personal opinion so dont hurry to jump over it)
3.As evolved a human might be, we still suffer in a natural way to rise a hand and say >lets be friends and do this together.
4.Others have day jobs and simply don’t have the time to center on a team.
What I do know is that is good to remain in constant relation with these people, even if its just to say a random ‘‘hey! How are you dude!?’’ in a private message.I do it from time to time to try and fix my mistake from being ‘‘shy’’ in the past.
And if by some chance I make it with my first game, and already have established a connection with such people, it will be more easy for me to reach out and ask them if I can provide any help to their project to help them with what I can and maybe after that, hopefully earn bigger trust and ask the’’ start together something new’’ question?
Its just a idea and one of the many possibilities.
The method requires you to change only in 2 places the number 32 to 64 and 64 to 32 in one of udks simple txt default scripts and nothing more.No visual studio or codding,nothing.Dont want to sound harsh, but not being able to change 2 numbers sounds more like a concentration problem than head capacity.
I know that it feels important to have comments for your work.This makes you know if you are doing it ok or not.But you are doing this the COMPLETELY wrong way.People are not going to search for your name>click on your portfolio link to see your works and than private message you to tell you ‘‘nice or bad work’’ .Kind of a spoil kid behavior, don’t you think?(not insult>constructive critic to help you learn about presentation)
Make a proper thread in the projects game section >post some of your work and your goal(is it a game or just a artistic representation/ test of something) and wait for comments.If you dont get a comment, that is a answer by it self.Means you work wasn’t enough interesting for the people that saw it.Everyone has their style of preference and that is something you cant force on to people.
But that, is the correct way to show to others, that you exist and are trying.
No, i didnt mention there was a project file, because I never saw it.Now when i clicked on the video and expand the More info i see that there is a link.So what? Means i did all the work without the project file because i didn’t read below and you did.Better for you than,right?.It is not something hidden, but posted on plain sight so ?..
If you dont like this small community, you should jump in to UE4 or even 5 as there are more people that will help.If your pc is not up to the task or you just love UDK than this is what you get.Using the whip wont make it work any faster.Somewhere along the road, you just have to admit to your self that the way you are working this is not correct, and you need to approach the game dev dream in a humble way and not like a bossy guy,which is what your comments suggest.
I believe, this topic has derailed long way.Mods don’t tend to come here, but with such a behavior, you might get warned or expelled.Dont reach such a point dude.Also i dont want this thread to get closed as the info in the beginning is useful(at least to me as im subscribed to the thread)
If you wish to say something more, feel free to private message me, but I believe i cant say anything more.
Path Tracing ? If by path Tracing you mean opening the UDKLightmass.ini and giving True to bUsePathTracer and bUseCosinePDF, I haven’t seen any difference to the light maps in game. (or just so slightly)
Well,if you think it´s that simple,i must dissapoint you.just tweak those 2 won´t make it.it goes over several script classes+the insane wide tweak possibillities…
you have to deal with the irradiance cache,what is showing as white spots all over your scene.
than you probably want some shadow.or some emission…
and what´s about the caustic you probably want some.in the glass or metal as well,oh glass right…and translucency?
what´s about the skelletal mesh,will it work without ugly artifacts?
oh,but i need some Kactors and Movers,Oh no.what happend to the shadow…
and will it work also within the cooking process,or the Open GL?
why does it snaps back to SM 3.0…and so on.
i´m working and trying to balance out over a month+making a proper guidance for those who seeks another level.if you can map it to a great standard,than please do my work and let´s see…
so i can finally move on to my art.
it was a happy accident i found it,since i´m a curious being.
as i once said…i never expected that,it just started with the intention to have some great graphik,on my low machine.thanks to UDK i made a overkill,it revealed itself to me:eek:
you can look as crazy for any documention about it,including our host,epic.
it´s quiet damaging to know what udk truly is capable of,why games never appeared in that quality?
why epic kept silence about it?
imagine,well or recreate,since you figured that out:rolleyes: elements of GOW,Batman or whatever…believe me,it will blow your mind:p
and you never saw udk in this costume.with this new finding of mine,i see a great future for udk and my dreams came closer…
Uhm,do you need Help with the Spheres?
Too Bad,you had the Chance to Proof,i´m Wrong and don´t know what i´m talking about…
since you don´t want to Admit…may your Silence be my Answer.
i have no problem to admit things,like:"you,were right!64bit works,and truly it was easy!"i confused it with something else,i spend alot of time to make things come true…
i remember when i saw GoW JD Remastered in 64Bit,and i thought…actually,it´s relative since my machine only has 6GB GDDR of Ram.but for the future,anyway i noticed some increasement…
About DX11.in your last Version,you added,That´s not working above 2012 versions,because of Security Protocolls.
Is That Correct?
i removed certain comments,although you will remember when you see me(talking to all in the UDK class)
don´t blame me when your games won´t have the expected attention…
Archon…do you really think that calling us ‘‘morons(seems to be edited,but I remember) and addressing us as udk class’’ and than continue to ask questions is the correct way to approach the community?
Im not even sure why im doing this, but as I said, I am not a coder.The file is most probably a visual studio save file of the project.Start by installing visual studio, its free.After that watch the video closely.
when you Blend Out,Why i did so,Than sure it might look this way… i told the reason and i removed certain things,since this section is for DX11.
do you feel insulted by this?you,yourself said it´s a small com.this small remain of UDK user is like a class.
I´m not a Enemy,just a Helping Spirit what you kind of Called from the depths…i arrived here as a nice Guy,Helping and open minded.
but your Distance and the lack of Human Qualitys makes me angry torwards your Attitude,how you handle new members with their Individual Background,as well how you Reply,When you folks Even Reply!
putting me in the corner of a Bad and Stupid guy is Lame.
i told you also i don´t go further into this,it won´t take an end…(after a while,i´ll delete this as well.i do not intend to spam.)
why you´re doing this?
it´s not for me,it´s for the Forum and Those who Seeks for Answer…
i mean you can Behave like a insulted teen Girl,but i think it Don´t suits you…+my Game Progress depends not from You!
i fixed the most by my self instead making stupid new posts.the only you helped me is with the 64bit trick.
That´s it.
I hoped also with the DX11,but only vage clues…i don´t like that sort of Tutorials.
When you can Handle this like a Men,than i Suggest we Finally move on!?
and work together?!Brainstorm things Together,Rise together…
or remain Silence for all Eternity like you did with the image…
“So a external exe start button that opens the UDK.exe with no desktop shortcuts or anything like that.
Seems to work as the window says that the udk game is in dx11 mode.
Should this be the only way to do it?”
he linked other posts sites,but none of them has something or slightly to do with DX11…
“*About the youtube video.I am not a coder and have 0 experience in visual studio,but just pausing the video and doing everything he does,step by step, I created a simple wrapper exe that launched the game in dx11.I really cant make this more simple as its on a video already.If it makes any difference, i believe i watched it and followed it only to min 5 in order to make the start launch button which was what i wanted to try.>launch the game in dx11 from a external exe.”
"I haven’t uploaded to steam to try the launch params as Coldscooter said, but im sure it will work.The thing that i tried on my pc was from post 2 here.Make a wrapper .exe using visual studio from the youtube tutorial.It was just a external exe and nothing more.(and yes it worked)
Looks like it will be just better to say to steam to launch the udk exe with -dx11 command for a final build when the time comes."
*i don´t know why they have to connect to steam in order to run it in DX11…?
than,he made another sketchy hint…
“*About the manifest, it is just a epic games manifest.I was scratching my head too and it seems that versions of udk 2012? and up have some unneeded security measures or something that makes the windows firewall jump in.Cant remember but here is my thread about the manifest and the information I was able to get with the help from others.”
*i guess this was related to frontend 1.6.5 and not to DX11…
either the video of the originator nor the video of the coding part from his second post shows anything about DX11.i expected to see it in the launcher…None of the video sealed the deal.
so,i must go through in order to tell you Linear and properly if that truly worked,even above version 2012?!
*well,it was rather a upload because the link went broke.
what means,no need to work through all 2-3 parts,but pay attention to the last part,where to install…
so i went into this field,what´s new to me.the non linearic tutorials,sketchy hints and also the lack of certain important features what´s not fully documented is by Epic.
but Epic does not to do so,because they gave the user alot of freedom+access to nearly all features and it´s for free! i´m greatfull for this…
there are Alot of post´s to this topic and problem Fields what´s related to the Cooking and Packaging process.
No wonder,people loose the Overview and with that also the interest.*
---------------- Packaging and Run exe.as DX11 in 64bit ----------------- (Simple Version)
The Originator´s Post(Majic12),is Related to the 64bit Cooking and Packaging process.by Combined these with the Hint from the old forum,Brings the Fast and Wanted result.
change in line 5 <AppToLaunch>Win32\UDK.exe</AppToLaunch> to Win64\UDK.exe
as well in line 106 <string>Binaries/Win64</string> to Win32.
now,Cook your project in “UnrealFrontend” or “UDKFrontend” with Default settings,mostly unchecked.add your map and hit the button.
after you finished installing,simply Find the Shortcut Properties of the Launch Icon, and set the Target to C:\UDK\yourname\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe -seekfreeloading -dx11.
*when you run the .Exe,it should appear in 64bit dx11.
you probably Noticed,the missing BSP´s as well missing Texture´s,on it+some other textures from the Epic Content…
leave the BSP´s Away.work instead only with your Imported Model´s(fbx) as well your Textures.and Avoid Map Names like “Dlight_light_opt.” prefix,suffix stuff…
you noticed also the insane loading time?not always the case…,Try 32bit in dx11 instead 64bit.
64bit works better with dx11.for the case,it might crash with dx9…
and you probably Noticed also,while you Cook and Package your Project with TranslucentShadows or Distorted Glass materials,
a Compile Problem,in Yellow.UDK will take the Default setting for this,to fix it.same goes for the Sound Cue and the Supported Game Type
But,That´s No Problem,
when you run your .exe in dx11,Materials will be re-Compiled and should work fine.
---------------- Packaging and Run exe.as DX11 in 64bit ----------------- (Advanced Version)
*…To say ,there is no other way,is not fully applyable to UDK,since the Unreal Engine provides multiple ways.with other words
“you can tweak the hell out of this engine”.
I came also across other Tutorials,which involves Deeper Solution to probs.what more Advanced Developer might one day face,you might look into it…*
i left my UDK in 32bit,followed at the end the steps of inserting the launcher at the right place as well the DLL,but it´s not working…i placed it in the udk folder as well in my packaged exe. directory,but it´s not working!maybe because the developer is working with UDK 2011,don´t know for sure…
i have no VS,so i can´t look into and change the Path,for example in 64bit+dx11.should be a kind spirit arround here and read this,please provide the file in the correct form,so the path are set properly and in 64bit+possible dx11.*
something else…
when you change in line 5 of the “UnSetup.Manifests.xml” <AppToLaunch>Win32\UDK.exe</AppToLaunch> to <AppToLaunch>Win32\UDK.exe -dx11</AppToLaunch> as well,checked in frontend (exec commands )-dx11.
you will get along the exe installer a zipped directory what contains the Binaries,Config and the UDKGame+ a DotNetZip-idftvwp1.tmp !?
normally it vanish after the cooking,but it remained plus it zipped the other files…i´s *tlike a Portable version,Installed Mode? from the frontend?
i wish i could say “case closed”,but we´re dealing here with the Flexible unreal engine and every fifth,faces Individual problems.