Did Alan Noon mention Fighting games?

Does this have anything to do with One Must Fall 2097 by any chance?
I so want that game to come back in style. Pls make it happen! T_T

He did mention Fighting games. He said he is going to be building a game and then giving us the content/blueprints/template to make whatever kind of fighting game we want. At least that’s how it sounded to me.

I don’t think so. He said he is new to Epic and he was told that a good way to get used to the engine and tools was to just create a “simple” game. That what he’s doing and will be doing and blog about his progress, to show other devs how a game could be developed from start to finish. That’s how I understood it.


Here is Alan’s thread:

Hi Gluemchen,

The other posters have it right: I’m working on creating a fighting game framework as a learning exercise, and I am inviting the community to follow along and participate.

More news to follow!

Unfortunately, nothing to report on the One Must Fall front. :slight_smile:

I am trying to access the thread from Alan Noon and it appears to have been closed. Does anyone know why?

Hey all,

The original thread has been reappeared and just been updated. Apologies for the confusion!

TL/DR: I’ve been travelling like crazy, leaving no time for the fighting game project. I hope to return to it at some point however.