Diarrhea inducing build errors caused my missing Symbols (functions from imported files)

I’m running into a problem where some of the functions I call from an imported file cause a build error in the UE5 editor, but not in the visual studio build… I figured that it was either something with the methods signatures or with my includes. This code if from the Fast Noise Plugin, I was running into trouble including it from the solution so I decided to just import some of the files from github (I’m aware this is boneheaded).

Let me know if you have any idea why these errors might be thrown, or some other info that you think might help. For reference I would like to start using the Fast Noise functions to generate heightmaps and set them on the terrain, and eventually trying to have terrain that continually spawns its components around the character as they move.

Building patch from 14 file(s) for Live coding module UnrealEditor-LandscapeProject.dll
Creating library UnrealEditor-LandscapeProject.patch_0.lib and object \UnrealEditor-LandscapeProject.patch_0.exp
LandModifyActor.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: void __cdecl FastNoise::SetSeed(int)” (?SetSeed@FastNoise@@QEAAXH@Z) referenced in function “public: __cdecl ALandModifyActor::ALandModifyActor(void)” (??0ALandModifyActor@@QEAA@XZ)
LandModifyActor.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: float __cdecl FastNoise::GetValue(float,float)const " (?GetValue@FastNoise@@QEBAMMM@Z) referenced in function “public: __cdecl ALandModifyActor::ALandModifyActor(void)” (??0ALandModifyActor@@QEAA@XZ)
LandModifyActor.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “private: void __cdecl FastNoise::CalculateFractalBounding(void)” (?CalculateFractalBounding@FastNoise@@AEAAXXZ) referenced in function “public: __cdecl ALandModifyActor::ALandModifyActor(void)” (??0ALandModifyActor@@QEAA@XZ)
\UnrealEditor-LandscapeProject.patch_0.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

James R
FastNoise.cpp (96.3 KB)
FastNoise.h (12.7 KB)
LandModifyActor.cpp (2.3 KB)
LandModifyActor.h (904 Bytes)

I was able to fix this by adding empty definitions for the improperly linked classes, Looks like I’m still modifying the heighmap incorrectly… Let me know if anyone knows about Landscape Heightmaps