Also, How can I set show mouse cursor as a third person character? Nodes seem to be incompatible for me.
In other words, instead of appearing in the boxes, the text pops out in the name above the chest. Yes, I have created a binding and updated the index for each of the four buttons’ text of the dialogue widget.
I attempted this on my end and was able to get the text to appear and change as intended. Can you send me your assets? I’d be happy to take a look and see what is going on.
So, as a quick wrap up. Question 0-1 → 0-3 go into in the array then onto Option 0 and Option 13 on the selector and on the Set buttontext on the Actor Begin Overlap. The rest of the arrays go into their place.
The branches seem to be alright as they show up the required message.
The main issue I believe lies on the Actor begin/end overlap area. I have no ‘Cast to ThirdPersonCharacter’ over there because it cannot be used to set mouse cursor afterwards. It just isn’t compatible, for some reasons. I tried with casting and without the ‘set mouse’ but with no effect whatsoever.
My widget is called DialogueWidget and I’m about to post the pics for it, too.
For the bindings, I updated the index for each one ( get 0 for text 0, get 1 for text 1, get 2 for text 2, get ‘imustgo’ for text 3 for leaving). My Dialogue Actor BP is called DialogueChest btw.
Ignore the function on the left "Get_QA1_bisEnabled’. I accidently created an empty binding for the button, but reversed the changes afterwards.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as dialogue is a major feature for this project.
It looks like you forgot to cast to the player controller to make sure you are showing the mouse cursor on the players screen. On your Begin Overlap, make sure the end of the function looks a bit like this:
Thanks for spending your time answering this. So My character BP is called Third Person Character. That is where i assume i have to cast my player controller.
The ‘Cast To ThirdPersobCharacter’ is tied to the ‘Get player controller’ btw.
The controller is slightly different, Player Controllers are a different class that are generally used to control the character, though typically you can set most of your functionality in the character blueprint without a problem, having a controller allows you to access functionality across multiple characters if need be.
As a practical example, let us say you have 5 different characters players can choose from. You can create all 5 characters, then have a player controller that acts as your “central hub” to choose which character you want to use and access their functionality. If movement is the same in each character, but their combat is different, you can set the movement functionality in the controller and set the individual combat maneuvers in the characters.
If you create new>blueprint>controller you can leave it empty for this specific example as the only functionality you need in there is the show mouse cursor. However you will have to set your controller as the player controller in the world settings and project settings>Maps and Modes so that it is being used.
Not a problem at all! If you get the player controller as you have done you should be able to type in "cast to ". If you look in the example from the tutorial, I cast specifically to “PCCONTROL” instead of the player character. If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask, I’m happy to help!
How do I call the new Controller BP in my dialogue blueprint?
For the ThirdPersonCharacter casting I have to get the normal player controller and for the Set Show Mouse I need the new controller,right?
Sorry for bothering you so much, but this is my first time working with a different controller.
Not a problem, for the future, the reason the show mouse cursor couldn’t connect was it was looking for your old player controller. If you drag from the output pin of the cast node “as PlayerController_C” you can re-create the show mouse cursor bool specific to that controller. I’m going to mark this question as answered for tracking purposes. Feel free to open it back up if you continue to have trouble!
As the NewController from the cast, I was unable to connect it to the set mouse, so I used the old player controller.
The fault was mine for not understanding fully what the blueprint does. I left the question variables untouched and was expecting the ‘set Text’ message to pop onto my buttons. But all’s working well now.
Hi , the only reason I’m posting here is because I didn’t have the possibility to leave you a private message . You once helped me with this dialogue issue ( which I am extremely grateful) but it seems the more you learn, the more you have to ask.
Whenever you find the free time, if you ever get to read this, please take a look here. Your help would be of an extreme value for me.