How stable is this for packaging (with the convert blueprint to C++ option ticked) in ue4.16?
I was working on another project (without the dialogue plugin) that I ported from 4.15 and the compiler also asked me for an additional include sort of out of the blue after I was working in the project for a while. Weird stuff, but it’s kind of easy to fix.
Good to hear - can you make sure a 4.16 update is released that works correctly without warnings and errors. I am keen to see it cleaned up.
And 4.17 would be great as well - right now I can’t move to the preview as it throws too many exceptions.
It’s stable. The plugin is mostly editor-only, the packaging process should be skipping it almost entirely, except for the custom data asset type.
What do you mean by move the preview? Could you post the errors?
4.17 is in preview 3 right now. I’ll upload the debug output shortly.
Here we go… dozens of instances of these 2:
E:\Game\Plugins\DialoguePlugin\Source\DialoguePluginEditor\Private\DialogueViewportWidget.cpp(264): warning C4996: ‘FGeometry::GetClippingRect’: This no longer represents any sort of clipping rect. Please use GetLayoutBoundingRect() to get the layout rect of this geometry. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
E:\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\SlateCore\Public\Layout/Geometry.h(432): note: see declaration of ‘FGeometry::GetClippingRect’
E:\Game\Plugins\DialoguePlugin\Source\DialoguePluginEditor\Private\DialogueViewportWidget.cpp(864): warning C4996: ‘FSlateDrawElement::MakeBox’: ClippingRects are no longer supplied for individual draw element calls. If you require a specialized clipping rect, use PushClip / PopClip on the WindowElementList, otherwise, just remove the parameter. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
E:\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\SlateCore\Public\Rendering\DrawElements.h(346): note: see declaration of ‘FSlateDrawElement::MakeBox’
Oh, it’s from 4.17. I’ll deal with it when it comes out. Preview versions aren’t stable for development anyway.
Hello, !
I have a question about the using this plugin for a cases, when a NPC should give/take some item(s) to/from the main character of the game. How to deal with this particular situation?
Given 4.17 is now out, will you address the compile issues?
Hi. The second video tutorial explains this.
Sure. Whenever new versions come out, I usually update the MMO Kit first, which takes a couple of days, then the Dialogue Plugin. I already started on the MMO Kit yesterday.
Sent a 4.17 version to the marketplace, should be up soon (usually takes less than a week).
Hello, I need help with this. I find that this plugin isn’t very newbie friendly, and I already run into problems. Or maybe it’s the tutorial video you have that lacks information. (Really needs an explain it like I’m five version.) Currently when I click “goodbye”, the mouse cursor is still there and I’m still in UI mode. I’m assuming that I have to alter something within the “BasicDialogueWidget” BP, (like perhaps adding a “set input mode Game only” node?). But since that BasicDialogueWidget is nowhere to be found in my project folder, I tried to duplicate one from the UE4 installation plugins folder, into my project folder. However that doesn’t work, so I assume I must use the one saved in the UE4 installation plugin folder. But then when I tried to import from the plugins folder, it just plain won’t let me. So now I’m extremely stuck and hella confused.
How do I proceed?
Also, I wish your tutorial vid showed me how to get the mouse cursor to show up and click on the dialogue options in the first place, though I figured out that part just now.
(I am on 4.16)
Hey. Sorry for a long delay, I was away from PC for a week. Please follow the documentation guide on how to duplicate the original widgets from the plugin folder into your project (part “3: customizing the widget”). Then you can modify them, and as you’ve correctly assumed, it is there that you must change your input mode on dialogue exit, depending on the needs of your game.
It’s true that the dialogue plugin doesn’t provide all possible scenarios for all possible game genres. It takes the difficult part off your shoulders, by which I mean it provides you with a visual dialogue editor, which is a game agnostic thing. The rest depends on your game, so I leave it up to you. You’ve figured out most of it already, but if you have any questions, shoot and I’ll try to answer.
Is it possible to add nodes through blueprint and c++ programatically?
4.17 is now live.
Sure, but this isn’t exposed. You can see how new nodes are added in SDialogueViewportWidget::OnAddNodeClicked()
Do you have any tutorial to set up where NPC talks to you?
Sure, check out the first video tutorial, it explains the basics like starting a dialogue.
Hey I just recently bought this plugin and it is working great so far. Is there anyway to collapse make sub trees in case the trees start getting long?
No, but you can zoom out super far.