DevProject - Hack n' Slash 3D platformer (NAME TBD)

Just dumping this here. I haven’t thought of a name for the game. No melee yet, but I have platforming nearly complete. Every visual asset is just a placeholder, of course.
Additional platforming features in development includes grappling and “swimming” (Not actual swimming, you’d understand if you saw it).

Controller only. Will NOT develop with keyboards in mind since movement requires precision.

Doesn’t seem like too much, but there’s a lot going under the hood. Nearly everything is in C++.

Trello is updated regularly (however all development has halted as I design the character).

i understand, first gameplay then visuals and enemies

i’m interested by what you mean of

gl with developing it further

Thanks! This video should sum it up.

Took a small hiatus to work on a character design.

I’ve got a stupid muscle dude with sword arms. Sword arms and the head are just proof of concept, just blocking out what I want.

Arms also serve as a way to telekinetically move objects, Half Life 2 style.

Trello is updated regularly (however all development has halted as I design the character).