Dear dear community,
I have been trying to get an app to work on my android phone, namely a nexus 5, but
the device manager in unreal engine does not show any other devices besides the standard
windows and ios ones. In the platform filters tab there is no option to check other platforms besides the two named above. I’m quite new to unreal engine so it might be that i’m asking a stupid question, however i did follow all the steps the documentation gave me, but it still does not work. Could you please help me solve this problem?
Yours sincerely,
Did you install the usb drivers for your device ?
Is your device in developer mode ?
Can you post a screenshot of your android sdk configuration (Project Config > Android SDK)?
-Check if USB debugging is tuned on in your phone, it’s in devloper options, to unhide them you need ot tap build number in “About Phone” until messages popup, the turn USB debugging
-Check if you got USB driver inslled, as you got Nexus 5 you should use one that comes with SDK, (note, this is only needed in windows if you ever come to dev on Linux or OSX this not needed)
-Make sure if ADB service is running it’s reproncible for all communication over that USB debugging inteface, without all software dont see devices. if not call command adb start-server
in [android sdk dir]/platform-tools/
-Try calling other command adb devices
it should list all devices ADB see