Development Packaged Game does not log "LogBlueprintUserMessages:"

I expect that in a shipping build certain logs (if not all) such as “LogBlueprintUserMessages:” are excluded, though in Development and DebugGame builds they should be present by default.

However in my case, they are not showing up in the logs but only in the pie and output log. So the packaged Development Game does exclude them even “EnableAllScreenMessages” is the very first Console Command executed and right after follows a Print string, but the neither the Screen nor the Log gets updated.

I am using Unreal Engine 5.4.4 and it is a C++ & Blueprint mixed Project.

I was able to get my blueprint print nodes to show up in packaged Development builds’ logs if I adjusted the print threshold for LogBlueprintUserMessages in the project’s DefaultEngine.ini:


I’m actually not 100% certain why this works, but looking at KismetSystemLibrary.cpp I would guess that packaged builds must hardwire bPrintToLog to false, which shunts the UE_LOG calls to print at the Verbose level rather than Log.

EDIT: I will say that my situation might be different than yours, as I WAS seeing printing to screen happening, but not being added to the .log file.