Hello. I’m having trouble compiling the editor version while the normal standalone version compiles just fine. I’m absolutely perplexed as to why it is happening. Basically I added two new .lib and .dll files to the compilation using the build target rules for my game project and this is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/Jkp2Qgz.png
I’ve previously done this with RakNet and never experienced any issues then. The problem now is that when I compile the editor target it complains that it can’t find tbb.lib, while it has no problems finding the RakNet.lib which is in the same folder: http://i.imgur.com/iy5r1Zj.png
Strangely enough the standalone version compiles just fine and doesn’t have this problem. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on and I’ve tried to regenerate the project files and it doesn’t help. Even if I comment out the part in the build target rules that tells it to load tbb.lib it still tries to load it and fails to compile, which leads me to believe that the editor target just plainly ignores the build target rules.
This is what the errors look like in MSVC and in the editor itself: MSVC and UE4 in editor compilation both fail - Album on Imgur
Hope someone can shed some light on what’s going on, because it doesn’t make any sense at all.