Developing a scenario

I’d like to develop a scenario in UE4 where a player picks up a box but an explosion happens nearby, causing the player to be injured (and laying on the ground). I would like this to have a fix camera view where I can view the entire simulated scenario happens. I’m a newbie in UE4 and not quite sure where to start beside creating a class blueprint and dropping meshes/components in the viewport.

I would appreciate any guidance.

Thank you.

Take a tutorial about Trigger Volume and Play Animation. Youtube has some and there’s one in the editor itself for a sinilar thing

Thanks for the suggestion.

Sorry I don’t have an example to show you, but when I do similar things I just create a trigger volume and then right click in my Level Blueprint and add an Event OnBeginOverlap while the trigger volume is selected, to make the event come from the trigger volume. From there you can make pretty much anything happen.

Thank you for commenting. I actually created a few instances with trigger volume boxes. I guess I was kinda debating which approach is the best to take, between creating one main class blueprint, several smaller blueprints, or use the cinematics with sequencer.