Developer Deep Dive | Scene Graph | 6/25 12:30 PM ET

Developer Deep Dive Live Stream | Scene Graph

Join us on 6/25 @ 12:30 PM ET

Curious to learn more about Scene Graph? Join us for the next Developer Deep Dive!

June 25 @ 12:30 PM ET

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UE Twitch: Twitch

Tune in for a Q&A with the dev team as they share best practices and insights on the new tool!


This innovation made me very happy! I am incredibly grateful to everyone who is working to improve UEFN. Now it’s more like a game engine. This will greatly facilitate my future plans, which include procedural generation of the environment. I hope this will be released in the near future. I would also like to see in the future (if possible) the ability to save player data from all my maps and the maps of the teams I play on, edit that data, and load it. Not that this is a super important functionality, but it would be great to have it in your arsenal. I’d also like to hear your thoughts on the possibility of using matchmaking to move a group of players to another island.