There is a point I never found how to deal with and it’s ruining my projects everytime.
Let’s say you have an animal like a horse, so a character longer than wide.
The capsule component, in the midle, won’t get to the tail and the head. (And you don’t want to increase its size because it would be too wide then)
The mesh of the animal has its own collisions, taking the right space of the character. But this collision should not affect navigation, because the animal will bug when moving because the character would be itself in an non-accessible area.
If multiple of thoses character has to cross their path, the DetourCrowdAIController will only procced to avoid the capsule, not the mesh. So it will ‘bug’ and try to go through let’s they the head, which has collision…
How do you guys deal with that ? I’ve tried lot’s of stuff but can’t find a acceptable solution.
Maybe I’m not doing has it should be done?
Thank for any advice !