Detour AI Crash 4.15 - NPC is stuck and failed to move error

Please I really need help, this is the third time I’ve posted about this issue without getting any help and it’s the only thing holding back release of my game. I think there’s something wrong with the Detour AI but I’m not 100% sure. All I know is my game crashes 100% of the time you play but the crash is intermittent meaning it happens at a random time during the play session. When I look into the log file I see the message

BP_NPC_Master4 is stuck and failed to move! Velocity: X=-28.67 Y=599.31 Z=0.00 Location: X=-7613.23 Y=-5438.51 Z=133.66 Normal: X=-0.41 Y=-0.90 Z=-0.15 PenetrationDepth:14.792 Actor:BP_SimpleCharacter_C_0 Component:CharacterMesh0 BoneName:WEREWOLF_-R-Hand (0 other events since notify)

The game hard locks and I have to shut it down with the Windows Task Manager. This has been happening since 4.13 and I finally upgraded to the latest engine version and it’s the same issue.

This is what my event graph looks like:

Hey TorQueMoD,

  • Are you getting a crash reporter window? If so, please provide your LoginID and ensure to hit Send & Close on the report.
  • Could you please provide the full logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after the crash occurs again?
  • Are you able to recreate this issue in a clean project? If so, please provide a detailed list of repro steps.


No crash reporter. Like I said hard lock that I have to shut down with task manager. I’d love to re-create it in a clean project but it would take ages as I’d have to rebuild everything from scratch. link text

Honestly, I’d be surprised if the warning you’re receiving is crashing the game, as warnings are typically just notifications that something in the game may be going wrong, not necessarily anything fatal that could cause a crash. While it’s definitely possible it could be related to Detour AI, I don’t think it’s likely based on what I saw in the logs.

Unfortunately, however, the log doesn’t really provide any concrete errors that I could see, other than [2017.04.04-23.45.38:962][727]MapCheck:Error: Error WorldSettings_1 Maps need lighting rebuilt

Something you could try is to use the Windows Event Viewer to gather information on the crash: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
I recommend running through that wiki and then providing the logs so I can see if there is any more information in there that could help track down the crash.


Ok, well I changed from the detour ai over to the standard AI controller and while this isn’t quite ideal as the ai clump together more often now, it did stop the crashes so for my purposes, I’d rather just release the game now than pull my hair out trying to debug something that I barely understand. Thanks for the help though Sean.