Deterministic rendering with MassCrowd AI?

I’m new to UE5, and I’m creating cinematic renders for the City Sample project. My goal is to render a scene under different weather conditions (e.g. heavy fog vs. clean day), and I am able to do it by building different level sequences, each corresponds to a different weather setup. However, the resulting cinematic renders have randomly spawned human and car agents and are therefore indeterministic.

To debug, I checked the official City Sample documentation and learned that the human and car agents are generated by a series of blueprints (e.g. BP_MassCrowdSpawner). However, these blueprints do not support deterministic randomness out of the box, and I have to disable all human and car spawning to produce consistent renders.

I wonder how to create deterministic renders with MassCrowdAI? I am thinking about introducing “random seeds” to the spawner blueprints. Any pointers and suggestions would be helpful!