"detector sensitivity".

I’m trying to understand what is behind “detector sensitivity”…
I read on the forum an answer of an admin :

Detector sensitivity: Ultra
-> change it to MEDIUM as it detects even “unreliable” points and too much, so overall alignment reliability and precision can be “worse” as with Medium settings

and I can see that I get far more images aligned using medium or low than with high or ultra…
Just trying to understand how it works…

Hi frédéric de brignac
as written there, the MEDIUM setting is the best case scenario, the HIGH and ULTRA sensitivity have been added on my request just for FULL-BODY scanning with DSLRs where it was problematic to align it properly ( full-body is solved already with the XMP workflows in much reliable way).
In principle, as its name says, the detector detects much more points ( features ) but when you detect much more of them, then QUALITY of the features goes down, so you can get in issues with misalignment…

Thanks… I understand better…

I’ve found depending on how you process your photos effects whats a good value.

if i process photos very flat low contrast. then I’d up the sensitivity a bit. or lower it for higher contrast photos.

but you can see if your getting your max points or not. whether you should change that or not.

generally i think lower is better for getting higher quality alignments