DetectMarkers in CLI

Hello everyone,


the new experimental tool ’ detect markers’ works well with my data. Now I want to use it in CLI, whats the command?



hello, the CLI command for this feature has not been implemented yet

Yeah, I thought so, When do you think it will be available?

Citing Zuzana:

Command for Detect markers tool exists but it is not added to the Help yet. You can simply run -detectMarkers command, in this case the current settings will be used. You can also define the specific type of markers and number of required measurements by using -set command. In this case you can use keys “detectMarkersMarkerType” and “detectMarkersMinMeasurements”. For a key detectMarkersMarkerType you can choose from Circular1x12Bit, Circular1x16Bit and Circular1x20Bit. For a key detectMarkersMinMeasurements please set the required number of measurements. Here is the example of the command sequence: -set “detectMarkersMarkerType=Circular1x12Bit” -set “detectMarkersMinMeasurements=4” -detectMarkers

we are quick :slight_smile: