How would you go about detecting if your character is on the ground when physics simulation is enabled? Most methods I’ve found so far require physics simulation disabled. When enabled, things like isFlying don’t seem to work anymore.
How would you go about detecting if your character is on the ground when physics simulation is enabled? Most methods I’ve found so far require physics simulation disabled. When enabled, things like isFlying don’t seem to work anymore.
You could use a short ray cast from your Character, have the Ray Cast projecting out below the character a short distance so it acts as a sensor for anything it encounters below the character. In your character BP you will want to get the hit result from the Ray Cast, then you can use that as a trigger event for the functionality you want. There are plenty of excellent video tutorials on using Ray Casts if you’re new to them. You could also use a trigger volume placed at the base of the character and get a hit result from that. From my experience it’s up to you how you decide to handle detection but I’d always go for Ray Casts for precision and flexibility.
More info on your gameplay mechanics would be very useful. I’m fairly new to UE4 and programming myself but another more informed member here should be able to advise you better if you provide more specifics. Hope I was of some help.
Thanks - I’ve seen mention of raycasts. It just seems a bit expensive to be doing just to know if your actor has stopped falling or is landed. I’d be curious how the isFalling method normally works and whether it can be reimplemented to work with physics simulation enabled.