Detect objects on huge radius

Going to make scan like system in UE5. I want to mark objects using blueprint on huge distance.
Basically I want to make scan effect and spawn widget component on marked object like in this video Shaders Case Study - No Man's Sky: Topographic Scanner - YouTube . thinking about spawn sphere collision and rise its size but dont like that idea :confused:
any suggestions ?

I don’t hate the sphere collision radius++ every X ms idea and getting overlapping actors. But it seems a tad wasteful and resource hungry.

How about a single overlap to get them all at max distance, sort by distance, spawn / show them 1 by 1 with a small delay - depending on how many you got. The progress / timing of the scan can (and probably should) be purely visual.

If you build a small pooling system and move sorting to C++, it could be quite efficient. The performance hit is probably irrelevant if we’re talking about 100s rather than 1000s of objects.