I was wondering if there was a way to detect if the player is getting crushed/stuck between collisions, and then trigger a death. I don’t think there’s an ‘‘easy’’ way to do this, but maybe there’s a trick that I could use. Sadly, I can’t simply use OnActorOverlap, as it’s not just when the actor goes over a cube for example, I want this death to trigger anywhere when the player is getting crushed.
In my prototype, I have for example moving cubes that the player can activate, but when the player stands on them, activate them, and they go to the ceiling, the player only gets pushed to the side or go through the collision and fall out the world. He could also get ‘‘crushed’’ on different situations or angles, so I was wondering if there’s a way to detect that, when the player is getting ‘‘squished’’, let’s say. For example, that happens in Portal 2. Everytime you’re getting crushed, the camera backs up and shows the character exploding. I’m looking for something similar.
If you have any questions or need precisions, don’t hesitate!
Thank you!