Detect if Object is entirely (or almost entirely) inside of an area

Hey everyone,
im making a project, where players need to sort objects into areas, like a clean up.
Im trying to setup an area, where the objects need to be fully or almost fully inside when checked.
ive found the get overlapping actors node through an answer here, and i know i could just make the detection area so small that the actor only overlaps if they are placed perfectly, but i think this could be very frustrating for the players, so im trying to look for alternatives.
I would appreciate help.

hi @GiraffeAberHart

If the detection area is a blueprint, you could have maybe 4 box colliders in the corners of the areas (or more or less if the shape is not geometric square.)

when the collision changes on each set a flag on your blueprint that gives a percentage based on how many colliders are overlapped.

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This may be relevant: How do I get the amount of overlapping geometry between two meshes? - #2 by Chatouille


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