I am trying to put together an “Inspect Object” script using a collider.
What is supposed to happen is the person is in the collider, press the E key and then it prints a debug script, but only the collision works. Even when I hooked up the E key pressed event to the debug script it didn’t do anything. What went wrong? Pictured below is the blueprint. Is is hooked up to a box collider object (Not trigger)
I was a little confused about what you where trying to say so i thought on it a bit and correct me if i am wrong.
I don’t think you can do what i think you want to do like this. The way I would tackle something like this is to put my logic for it into the Character blueprint as a function and run your event to cast to a function on the character to handle the key press.
I am using this box as a collision trigger I think that is what you meant by box collision if not then the concept is similar. Player Collides with box that event casts to a function on my player that checks for a key press and acts accordingly. I think you’re missing link is the "cast to " as unless you are directly controlling the box collider it wont generate a key press.