Details Panel Customization for Sub-object

The Question/topic is very simple:

  • How to create “Details Panel Customization” for subobject which is specifed like this:
UPROPERTY (EditInstanceOnly, Instanced, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Configuration, meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = true))
class UMy_SubObject * My_SubObject;

To be more detailed:

  • “Details Panel Customization” works very well when editing single object which have specific “Details Panel Customization”. But when UObject have UObeject “Instanced”: “Details Panel Customization” completly don’t work. Nothing appear.

My “Details Panel Customization” work in plugin. So I cannot modify Engine if I want to sell plugin on marketplace. But even if this is possible to modify engine I wish to know this method.

So, there is anybody who using “Details Panel Customization” AND “EditInstanceOnly”, “Instanced” ?

I can partially in very simple manner modify sub-object details panel using EditCondition Specifier like this:

enum class EValueOnDemandWithHide : uint8
	DoNotChange		UMETA (DisplayName = "Do not change", ToolTip = "Leave value as it is"),
	Change			UMETA (DisplayName = "Change", ToolTip = "Change value")
USTRUCT(BlueprintType, meta = (UsesHierarchy))
struct FFloatOnDemandWithHide

	UPROPERTY (EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	EValueOnDemandWithHide Behavior;

	UPROPERTY (EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (EditCondition = "Behavior == EValueOnDemandWithHide::Change", EditConditionHides, ToolTip = "Value overwriting variable"))
	float Value;

Sub-objects very nice working with this kind of modifications.
I suspect “Details Panel Customizations” also works in sub-objects. Maybe it’s a problem of Registering problem ?:

	FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyEdModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");
		FOnGetDetailCustomizationInstance::CreateStatic (&FCP_SpawnRotator_ToObject_Details::MakeInstance)

Ever figure this out? Hitting the same issue.

Same issue here, i suspect that it’s an editor bug…