Attach node worked correctly.
But if I use Detach node, the actor will get a wrong location in client side.
Please help me.
Attach node worked correctly.
But if I use Detach node, the actor will get a wrong location in client side.
Please help me.
Hey there, how do you detach?
I try to detach only on server, and i also try detach with multicast.
But always can’t get the right location with replication.
If i remeber correctly attachment and detachment is not replicated, so i would try to do it on the clients aswell.
I tried but it doesn’t work.
Can you show me how you are doing it?
I tried to reproduce my previous project, but everything worked fine and strange. Thank you very much for replying to me.
Worked fine and strange? Did you fixed the issue?
Worked fine, but I think this issue is strange, sorry for my bad English.
But I am not known why it worked correctly.
You did it on the server or the client? If the issue is fixed please mark the correct answer to close it.
I do it both on the server and the client.
Glad it works