Hello all,
I found this weird issue in my unreal engine 4.14. I created few Destructive meshes and they are automatically disappearing
when I hit few of them.
Hello all,
I found this weird issue in my unreal engine 4.14. I created few Destructive meshes and they are automatically disappearing
when I hit few of them.
can anyone tell if this is a bug in unreal engine?
the following part is from A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums im not sure if you have seen it or not, it might not have anything to do with your problem but could be worth a try to see if you get a different result.
Why do my destructible chunks/pieces disappear if I have a lot of DMs in my scene?
There is a hard-coded value of 2000 chunks that can be present in a scene at a single time. This is done to keep the CPU from being overloaded and killing the FPS completely.
This limit is for all destructible assets in the scene and not specific to each mesh. As an example, if you have 4 meshes with 500 chunks each you have reached the cap of 2000 chunks per scene. Anything over this amount all the chunks would be removed/destroyed immediately.
You can change by adding adding the following to your ConsoleVariables.ini file located in Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
p.APEXMaxDestrucitbleDynamicChunkIslandCount= [enter value (default is 2000)]
p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynmaicChunkCount= [enter value (Default is 2000)]
These values cannot be changed dynamically in the editor and will require a restart of the engine to take effect. Consider these settings for advanced users and with specific design considerations since they will have a significant impact on performance!