Destructible using several particle effects only... no spawning chunks

I’m interested in the possibility of making a destructible mesh in the usual way (in the editor, in Max or apex lab) with the usual settings.

But, for performance reasons, I don’t want to break up the static mesh into chunks or components. Instead, when the main mesh is destroyed, I’d just like to play several particle effects.

Is this possible using a Destructible mesh, or would it be more efficient just to do it all in Blueprints?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Destructible meshes have a spot for a particle to play when it breaks apart however if you go that route you might as well just use the destructible mesh…
If you only want to use Particles then using blueprints would be best to create different conditions to change colors to match the mesh that’s being destroyed so it looks like parts of that mesh and not a repeating particle everytime…
Although you might want to relook into destructible meshes and either lower chunk count, turn off their collisions, or destroy actor sooner as I find them to be rather well performing and have them everywhere in my game…