Destructible meshes message "trying to simulate physics, but no physics body"

All the destructible meshes I’ve created are working as they are supposed to. I shoot the object and it fractures into
smaller pieces.

However, they all return the warning message: Trying to simulate physics on " /…/…/chair.Destructible " but no physics body."

I tried custom collision settings and turned OFF Ignore Physics body, but that didn’t work.

Anyone have any advice?

Which engine version?

Hi dhend,

I cannot recall seeing this error before. Are you setting your DMs up in a specific way with BPs, or using them in anyway that would generate this message?

For example, If you create a DM in the editor, set the Impact Damage to 1, Impact Damage Depth to 0 and place the DM above the ground in your scene.

In the details panel set it to Simulate Physics and then PIE. When it collides with the ground do you get the same issue when it fractures?

If this is DM specific would you mind attaching it here and I can take a look and see if there is anything I can offer some tips with.

Please feel free to post any screen shots as well to better illustrate what is happening.

Thank you!


Thanks Tim,

I did create a destructible cube, per your instructions, let it drop to the floor, and it shattered, but got NO warning message.

However when I put this same destructible mesh cube in a BLUEPRINT,
it fractures when shot (see screen grab #1) but I get the warning message “no physics body.” (see screen grab #2)

I didn’t mention this in my original question, but the destructible objects that were giving warning messages were a components of blueprints.

I guess the warning message comes from something in the the BLUEPRINT somewhere. Thanks.

I’ve attached all the assets associated with this destructible mesh cube/Blueprint.


link textI am using Version: 4.6.0-0+UE4

Thanks for providing the assets for testing. I was able to get these in 4.6, but the Blueprint that’s causing the issue would not open on my end. It says it’s derived from an invalid class. :confused:

I’m still not able to see this issue though. I created a BP by right clicking on the DM > Asset Actions > Create BP using this… with no such warning. I also created a blank BP and added the DM as a component with no issue.

Are these the methods you’re using to create the BP?

Also, if you’re not tried already, can you try this in a new project and see if this throws the same warning. You won’t need to set up the weapon or anything if you use a blank project. Just have the object simulate physics and on impact destroy.



Hey Dhend,

I’ve not heard back from you in about 5 days. I’m going to mark this as resolved for our tracking purposes, but if you’re still having the issue feel free to post and I’ll look into this further.

Thank you!


Uh, not yet. The holidays have interrupted things a bit. I will try your recommendations.

As for the Blueprint. I got it from another guy. I’ll check with him about how he set it up.
(I used his blueprint and added my Destructible Mesh objects.)

Again, I’ll try what you recommended and let you know what happens.

Thanks Tim.


No problem!

Thanks for giving me an update. :slight_smile:


Long story short - The blueprint’s parent class “ShootablePhysicsObject” is a class used by our studio, and it doesn’t support “destructible meshes.” It only is for objects that when hit by bullets, bounce around on the floor, and not shatter into pieces like a destructible mesh.
There’s probably a bit more to the story, but for now that’s it. Thanks for your help.-DH

Hey Dhend,

I think AnswerHub inadvertently deleted your post when I tried to convert it to the answer.

Apologies for that.

Essentially the solution was that the wrong class was being used for your DM, correct?

No problem. Yes, I was using the wrong parent class, (ShootablePhysicsObject) I think
it is a class internal to this studio. It is for objects that when shot, bounce around and not shatter into a bunch of pieces. Thanks, again.

Yes. A wrong parent class was used. I think it is internal to our studio.
It was for objects that once shot, bounce around and not shatter, like a destructible mesh, which is what I was trying to do.