Hello Is there way to set something like explosion amount in destructible mesh editor window, from blueprint level. I need that beacuse I want to achieve nice effect of pulsating (setting explosion amount in time). Or is there another way to do that? Thanks all for help!
You might need to be more specific, or give a reference to what inspired you, but for the explosion you will want to use the Add Radial Force to affect your Destructible Mesh.
Here is a quick link on how to do that. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/483635/how-can-i-make-a-destructible-mesh-explode-outward.html
If you are thinking about an explosive wave traveling out and hitting things as it goes, you could use a sphere collider that
grows quickly from your explosive origin and whenever it overlaps a Moveable Mesh or Destructible Mesh you can apply force to that object.
There are a bunch of ways to do this, so if you give a better example you can get a more detailed answer.